Alexander Markov

Was born in 1973 in Saint-Petersburg. In 2000 has graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts (cinema and video director).
2000 – “Museum of Dreams”(Lennauchfilm, 35 mm, color)
2002 – “Lullaby” (Lennauchfilm, 35 mm, color, 2 parts)
Kodak Prize “For the best Russian film 2003” at the XIII IFF “Masage to man”< Saint-Petersburg, 2003
Pax-Television prize for the “Poetic image” at the III IFF “Cinefest”, Mishkoltz, Hungary, 2005
Participation at the Xth festival “Literature and cinema”, Gatchina, Russia, 2003
Participation at the XXXI IFF, Potsdam
Participation at the I festival “Russian family”< Kaluga, Russia
2003 – “Evgeniy Baratynskiy” (studio “Miris”, video, color, 12 min)
2003 – “Cities in the cities” (Saint-Petersburg documentary film studio< video, 20 min)
Participation at the XXXI IFF “Sehsuechte”, Potsdam, 2004
Participation at XXXIII IFF “Sehsuechte”, Potsdam, 2006
Participation at the III IFF “Cinefest”, Mishkoltz, Hungary, 2005
2007 – “Holland route in Saint-Petersburg” (Studio “Fregat” for “Culture” TV channel, video, 26 min)
Staff list
Eating in the USSR
Director: Boris Karadzhev
Director: Boris Karadzhev
A unique socio-cultural phenomenon of the history and life of the Soviet Union