In 1984 has graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Film-Engineers as Phonics.
In 1984 – 1986 worked as the sound producer in Martinov Palace of Culture.
In 1987 - 1990 studied in the Leningrad Institute of Culture on branch of Cinema and photo.
Since 1990 worked on the Leningrad TV as the television cameraman. He actively participated in television programs production in edition of the “Art Announcement”. In 1995 has organized Studio “Master Video” and also operated a series of musical videoclips and documentary films.
In 1997 with support of The Committee on External Communications and Tourism at the Governor of St.-Petersburg has begun shooting documentary films about St.-Petersburg and suburban residences of Russian tsars. By the 300 anniversary of St.-Petersburg has made some films and multimedia projects about the city with support of The Committee of External Communications and Tourism.
In 2002 - 2004 together with the State Hermitage has made two films about the Hermitage and its collections which represented the Hermitage at the international festivals and exhibitions, including participation in 2005 in Brussels "Europalia".
Several films made by Vladimir Ptashchenko participated in the Russian and international film festivals. In 2002 film "Palaces and parks of Russian tsars" have been called the best presented film by the 300 anniversary of St.-Petersburg.
Films "Peterhof", "Tsarskoe Selo" - participants of festival in Karlovy Vary.
In 2005 film "The Hermitage, Travel in Time and Space" was nominated to the festival of films of Art in Montreal FIFA, and was obtained by the Montreal museum of Fine Arts, in 2005 was nominated at festival of films of Art “Asolo International Art Festival”, which has been recognized as the best presentation film of 2005 by the Governor of St.-Petersburg.
In 2007 together with the State Hermitage produced the multimedia project «The Virtual Hermitage».
In 2008 has released the multimedia project «Riddles of old pictures».
Staff list
Director: Boris Karadzhev
A unique socio-cultural phenomenon of the history and life of the Soviet Union