This film tells the vivid story of Soviet cuisine, a unique socio-cultural phenomenon of the history and life of the Soviet Union. As the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach noted back in the 19th century: “A man is what he eats.” Boris Karadzhev hopes that this culinary journey will help European viewers to understand the mentality and the motives of the people in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia.
Rare archive materials - From Russian State Archives and international resources.
Comments by the experts:
- historians
- psychologists
- film and art critics
Not only about the food:
- history of totalitarian country since the USSR until our days
- mentality, psychology
- culture, art
Footages of the Soviet films:
feature and documentary
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A DSL + PPR license allows you to…
- Include the film on you digital server and in your library
- Allow your members to watch the film via a private, password-protected connection
- Make the film available to students, staff and faculty members for the purposes of research, education, and any other non-commercial use
- Hold a private, non-theatrical screening
NB. This license does not allow you to charge for viewing or for screening admission, or to sublicense, digitize or duplicate the film in any way
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Director: Boris Karadzhev
A unique socio-cultural phenomenon of the history and life of the Soviet Union