Студия документальных фильмов.

I don’t need Hollywood
Main page / Films / I don’t need Hollywood
2005 35 mm, color, 28 min, with English subtitles

Flash Player
Director: Sergey Litvyakov

Screenplay – Sergey Litvyakov
Director of photography – Aleksandr Filippov
Sound by Aleksandr Dmitriev
Film editor – Irina Sarkisyan
Product manager – Yuriy Dlin
Editor in chief – Zhanna Romanova
Producer – Vyacheslav Telnov
A famous Russian actress Tatyana Agafonova’s history during a difficult period of Perestroika in Russia. The film hero tried to be a chief of the farm. Such uneasy in those economical and social conditions task did not break her optimism and hope for the best future.

Eating in the USSR

Director: Boris Karadzhev

A unique socio-cultural phenomenon of the history and life of the Soviet Union

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