Студия документальных фильмов.

Main page / Films / Sarafan
2006 35 mm, color, 21 min, English subtiteles

Flash Player
Director: Aleksandra Strelyanaya

Screenplay – Aleksandra Strelyanaya
Director of photography – Aleksandr Demyanenko
Music by Aleksandr Laneev
Sound-engineer – Aleksandr Laneev
Production manager – Yuriy Kondakov
Editor in chief – Zhanna Romanova
Producer – Vyacheslav Telnov
The eve of wedding in the Russian village in Pskov area. Black and white pictures and old women’s stories from the one side and live traditions and ceremonies – from the other side have been mixed in this film. Outwardly this film devoted to Russian wedding but in fact it is about one moment and experience of waiting for happiness of a young girl. The author managed to create a raw of different images that are unique and traditional for Russian cinematography at the same time.

Festivals and prizes
“Lavrovaya vetv” in nomination “The best documentary debut in cinema and TV”, Moscow, Russia, 2007
“Massage to man”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2007
Special jury prize at festival “Saratov’s passions”, Saratov, Russia, 2007
Participation at IFF, Amsterdam, 2007
Participation at IFF Regensburg Short Film Week, 2007
Diploma “For artistic solution” at IFF “KIN”, Erevan, Armenia, 2007
Eating in the USSR

Director: Boris Karadzhev

A unique socio-cultural phenomenon of the history and life of the Soviet Union

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